Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Animal People Awards 2004 (APAs)

What it is:

Many people recognize others for noticeable physical or mental characteristics. They remember something defining about the other individual. First impressions often dictate how these people will view you for the rest of their life.

I'm not like most people (no snide comments, please). When I first meet you I may forget what you said, what your name is, and what you wore. Hey, I won't remember really what I thought of you. No, I'll remember what animal you make me think of. When I interact with people, a combination of their appearance and their character make me visualize them as a certain animal species. Unfortunately this "second sight" has gotten me into a lot of trouble, since it is often hard to contain your amusement when you see the similarity between the person and their animal.

Each semester I am going to post a list of persons and the animals that they remind me of. In most cases I can give reasons for my "vision," but not always, and it is always easier for me to see animals in guys, with rare exceptions. Girls I know very well are simple, but guys are easy no matter how well I know them. . .

So welcome to the first ever biannual Animal People Awards. As Chairman and President of the APA I would like to welcome you. The contestants will be placed on line shortly and you will be able to vote for the "character" sketch you most agree with (or perhaps your animal). Happy Voting. The winner will be announced by the close of Christmas break.


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