Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Well, things are starting to get crazy again. (or maybe they've been like that for a while and I've been ignoring them...)

Today was crazy and very unproductive. I am struggling with a cold and lots of reading. Tons of reading. So I spent the majority of time in bed- but I would like it to be noted that I did go to class and I did work out. I'm not a complete slacker....

God tries to teach us in so many different ways. He disciplines, rebukes, and denies requests. But something I've been dicovering is that God also teaches by giving us blessings. (Maybe I'm just slow- I've never really noticed this before.) My heavenly Father has lavished on me such a wide variety of gifts, opportunities, and relationships. I have no reason to ever be depressed or anxious- I have so much. But I honestly believe that God isn't giving all this good stuff without a return from me. I'm not saying I have to pay God back- but rather that he is expecting me to be a good steward of what I have been given. Kinda scary for someone like me- I dodge any kind of responsibility and commitment.

Back to my day- away from my ramblings. I'm off to biology- then I shall spend the next four hours in a library ( I will!) trying to accomplish some work. Hopefully I will accomplish my purpose- but if not- Goodbye until tomorrow. I've set some very high goals this semester and I will meet them! (Oh, and I'm meeting Molly for dinner- that's always fun!)

One more thing- I couldn't end without something more lighthearted after my rambles into my brain- those alway leave me slightly confused, and are probably not extremely intelligible or enjoyable to my readership. So here goes: "An agreement is not an agreement until the parties to the agreement have reached an agreement." - Irish Politician on RTE radio. Profound, huh? Yeah, I thought so.... I was looking for a knock-knock joke, but none of mine had the ring or quality of those I've heard from Zach Eikenberry. I just can't compete with him... All well.


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