Friday, October 14, 2005

Too Many Questions

Is it okay to want what you want simply because you want it? Is that want wrong? What determines a wrong want? What are wants that some people call wrong and others call right? Are they wrong? Or right? What if you can't make up your mind how much you want something? Do you still really want it if you ache and cry over it one night and want to forget it the next?

What is "like"? Is it different from love? Where do you decide where one ends and the other begins? How do you know if you like someone? How do you know if you like them enough? Or too much? How do you know when it's wrong to like? How do you know who you should like? How do you know if your like is the one that God wants you to like? How do you know if your like likes you the same way that you like them? What's a good basis for a good like? What is a good like?

How do you know what you're supposed to do? Do you do what God wants, like a puppet? Or do you do what you want, and somehow "control" God? Are you doing what pleases God? How do you know if your wants, likes, and desires line up with God's wants, likes and desires He has planned for you?

Is it okay to be afraid?

At what point do you just hold your breath and dive in?


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