Friday, June 03, 2005

A Little About . . .

The strolled hand in hand down the sunset beach. The waves were gold colored and lapped quietly around their feet.

A silence hung between them- one of those comfortable silences you can enjoy with someone you know very, very well. They had just finished laughing over a little dog they had observed while eating their dinner at a side walk restaurant. She sighed in contentment and looked up at his eyes. He made her so happy! He smiled back, and then-

He was down on one knee. In his hand he held one of those little boxes every girl dreams about.

"I love you."

"Oh!" When he said those words her eyes went from the ring to his face.

"Will you marry me?"

I don't really need to go any further. You can guess what she said. Hey, I can tell you what she said, because, contrary to popular oppinion, I am not a writer of romantic fiction, I am a recorder of facts, and the above story is fact. I am pleased to announce the engagement of my bestest friend from grade school- Miss Laura Elizabeth Lee. Yes, that's right! Ms. Lee was proposed to Wednesday night by her highschool sweetheart, Nicholas Melsheimer, who is currently stationed in California training to become a Navy Seal. They will make an adorably petite couple, and their children will have to use SPF 50. Those of you who may be unaware should know that Ms. Lee is paler than I am, and Mr. Melsheimer is a freckled red-head.

Ms. Lee is trading her incredibly easy to spell last name for "Melsheimer?" She doesn't seem to mind. :)

There. I am sufficiently romanced out.

No more

The romance streak is dead.


All right!!! On to different a bigger things! (I can say this because I'm not the one who got engaged, if I was I would bore you with page after page of superfluous blogging.)


It must be admitted I have a dull mind. Very dull. I am currently sitting at my desk, musing at the brightly colored thumb tacks in the wall over my computer. Now, before I go any further- I must let you know that I was very productive all morning. I ran errands, and organized file cabinets- so none of this, "Courtney, you are such a lazy bum." I may be a lazy bum, but I'm trying not to bring that into my work. And let me tell you, I have it tough! Yes I do!!! I'm living with grandparents who rent movies for me, take me out for ice cream, ask me what kind of pop I want stocked up in their garage, who come home early to fix me chicken cacciatore, tell me I'm cute, let me drive their convertible sports car, and willingly hired me for 8 weeks without even filling out an application. Yup, I have it tough. ;)

But my mind IS dull. I've been wracking my brain for something extremely interesting to inform my faithful readership of, but I'm drawing a blank. So I decided to shock and amaze you with little known facts about C. E. Blake.

(If you don't want to die of boredom you might want to close this window right now.)
  1. I don't like barbecue sauce. Ever since I discovered that I could refuse it without my parents becoming upset (they used to make me eat everything given to me.) I have done so.
  2. I have no little or no musical, and when people ask me, "Did you hear that diminished 3rd?" I usually find some tactful way to get out of actually answering the question.
  3. My weakness is shoes and cute accessories. I'm a sucker. Even when I know I have no money to spend, I still buy them. So, when I'm broke, I try to avoid temptation.
  4. I love playing in makeup.
  5. One of the biggest things I regret in my life is not majoring in theatre. But I won't regret it when I get a job when I graduate... :)
  6. I like Theodore Roosevelt's quotes and speeches more than any other president's.
  7. I want to be the First Lady of the United States.
  8. I don't like Root Beer.
  9. I like tanning.
  10. I didn't know how to use a fax machine before this week.
  11. And I was scared that there was a drooling monster under my bed until I was 16. I still abhor scary movies unless there happens to be someone I want to clutch sitting next to me. :)
  12. I swam on a swim team for several years, I've been to the ocean numerous times, and stayed in numerous hotels with elaborate swimming pools- but I'm still afraid of deep water, and I have nightmares about drowning and sharks.
  13. I want to adopt two little kids from Africa and China even if I never get married.
  14. And I don't like Kool-Aid, though I love to watch the pitcher change colors on the commercials, and my children are going to drink Kool-Aid because it's a social status thing that I was never permitted to reach- since my mom doesn't like Kool-Aid either.
  15. I like reading biographies- but not autobiographies. The autobiographies tend to get a bit preachy and proud.

Well, this is an immensely long blog.

I will sign off now!

May your weekend be filled with singing in the car and gazing at the stars!

Until Monday, I'm Courtney Blake.

I've been in radio land too long. :)


Blogger David said...

They don't call them diminished 3rds. You only diminish perfect intervals, like a fourth or a fifth. 3rds are minor or major.

(I think.) (At least, I hope I think. From time to time.)

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this is a little late but hey I don't check your blog every day! I don't like barbeque sauce or rootbeer either and I agree with you on the scary movie thing. And when I swim in pools I've had this thing about those racing lanes looking like sharks since I was little :)

8:35 PM  

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