Friday, April 15, 2005

Who I Really Am....

Hello faithful- perhaps non-existant readership! I'm a very sorry that I have neglected this venue of the arts for such a long time. The truth be told I was trying to create beautiful music and raise my GPA, both of which are very difficult for me to do. Whether or not I succeeded in my goals has yet to be determined. But business is no excuse for neglecting my dear friends. In the words (or language) of my dear SPAN 201 teacher: "Lo siento mucho."

You know those dead spaces you often have between classes? Those 45 minute periods that are almost completely worthless unless you are a highly motivated person? Well, I was bored during one of those segments (perhaps I shouldn't have been bored, but I was.) And I decided to find out who I was. Yes, you heard me correctly. I wanted to define myself as a person in these 45 minutes of time that I had, so I did the most logical thing possible. I Googled "personality tests." The information I gleaned was incredibly surprising. The Bible is true, we cannot even fully know ourselves, the things I discovered about me was truly phenomenal. Only God can see our hearts, but we can take a little peak at what's going on through the tool known as a "personality test."

Here are some things I learned about myself...
1) The food I most resemble is chocolate. This was good news right of the bat. Apparently I'm fun loving and happy-go lucky. (No duh, I'm taking quizzes on line when I should be studying.) But there is also the aspect of what kind of chocolate I am- apparently people feel very strongly about dark vs. milk vs. white. So not everyone will like me, but those who do will be very passionate about it, which is comforting to know. Personally, I hope I resemble milk chocolate. (Isn't it great? My role model is a candy bar....)

2) I also discovered that I am like the Disney princess Jasmine, but this test is unreliable, because I took it a second time (wasn't happy with my first result) and I discovered that I was also Snow White. This test was disapointing. Those are the two princesses I dislike the most. What does that tell you about my personality? Maybe I'm unlikeable? I do know one thing for sure. I will never speak in the softness and register of Snow White, nor will you see me dressing like Jasmine- although I would like a pet tiger.....

3) My ideal hair color is grey- perhaps because I answered that test in a rather prudish manner. Really, the questions they ask for determining you hair color are completely absurd. But just watch- I'll go white instead of grey and have to die it. I wonder if anyone has every died their hair grey....

4) I am most like Rabbit of all the 100 Acre Woods characters, which irritated me, but also seemed to fit since I tend to be a worry wart, a planner, and a control freak. But once again, rabit was the animal I liked least.

5) My villain type is a vampire, so if you see me sprouting fangs and wearing red lip stick, help me by telling me to see a dentist and that red lipstick makes my complexion look sallow.

6) Wanting to gain some insight into my level of maturity, I took a maturity quiz. What do ay know? I act like I'm 20, a whole 3 months and 2 days older than I actually am. Boy, am I mature!

7) I gauged my femininty and discovered that I am just the right mixture- a little prim/propper, but definitely willing to throw some of the rules out of the window and live it up.

8) The dog I most resemble, well, this crushed me. It all dates back to when I was 6 and I got a really bad perm, well, I though it was cute, until some girls called me a clown. I was a red head- and my hair was short, so it is possible that I did resemble BoBo the clown, but I thought I was beautiful. Anyway, I'm a poodle. But just to remind you, we were the favorite dogs of the French arisotocracy- and we are very classy pooches.

9) The last one I will bore you with was the one in which I found out that in a previous life I was a cave-man. If I ever had any doubt about my social ability and technological skills, this clinched it. I was a cave man. And anyone who has every helped me with computer stuff will definitely understand, and perhaps even argue that I still am...

So anyway, these were the assortment of things that I found out about myself over one class period when I should have been reviewing the Spanish subjunctive. Let it be a lesson to me- I now know things about me that I never wanted to- it's hard peering into the depths of your heart and discovering that you are "Jasmine-Snow White, the grey haired, rabbity-poodlish, 2o year old highly feminine chocolate vampire caveman." Maybe God doesn't let us see the inner workings of ourselves because it would scare us to death.....

All a man's ways seem right to him,
but the LORD weighs the heart. (Prov. 21:2)

So perhaps the lesson to be learned today is that perhaps if I had peered into my heart, and striven to become more like Christ, I would no have been termed a poodlish vampire. :)

Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the wellspring of life. (Prov. 4:23)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

mollay says:
did you know!? That Jasmine was the first woman to stick up for her rights of love (very Jane Austin, if you think about it!) and although she dresses like the women of her culture, she does have some good points:
I don't have to marry who i don't want
... well that's all I really know about it.
If I was told that I was like Jasmine, I would be happy to know that I had a fiery spirit and standards.
Of course, they informed me that I was Belle.

3:37 PM  

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