Thursday, June 22, 2006

And the summer goes on...

I'm a little tired. A rather limp lethargy that makes me want to be lazy and yet do great things at the same time. A tired that has a conflict of interests. Perhaps that tiredness comes from sitting at a desk waiting for a phone to ring, or praying that I can find all the mail inboxes that I have letters for. That may be it. Or, perhaps it's a lethargy that was created by my rather late night last night...

So, there was VBS. We yelled and screamed, I was appropriately coated in red face paint. We ate snacks, made faces, jumped on the moon walk thing, and listened (oh so very carefully!) to the lesson. (Friday is my day to teach the lesson and I'm a little anxious... I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep 60 4th graders' attention...) But then, after VBS it was PARTY TIME!!!!!!

Amanda, Alex, Lee, Micah, Cameron, Jason, Mike, and Bethany all went to Leah's where we proceeded to eat pizza, play spoons, euchre, and talk about Lee's womanizing. He was trying to give all the guys hints... apparently he's a player, which made all of us laugh. Mike proceeded to tell us how many calories are in various fast food meals, and gave a dissertation on the benefits of weight lifting. Jason's job was to make fun of me and my use of the English language. Amanda did NOT pout after losing spoons (!), and Cameron (the newbie) proceeded to look very confused at our loud, raucous behavior. My job, as always, was to put my foot in my mouth over and over again... "The boy" called while we were partying and left a message to the effect that "It was probably too late, and I was in bed." Nope. Not sleeping. Definitely partying. Besides, any guy who doesn't call for 3 WHOLE WEEKS even though he is dating me doesn't merit a party-interrupting phone conversation. (Okay, just kidding, I didn't know he had called until I left.)

Today (or rather tonight) is VBS again. We do crafts tonight. I was getting so excited, I thought I had missed craft night, but no such luck. Blah. Now I have to be crammed into an impossibly small room with 60 4th graders and puffy paint. Not a fun combo. :) But, before that, the mom and I are going to go shopping. It's about time... I haven't bought shorts for about 2 years now, I kinda need some new ones. Plus, I just love to shop!

Okay, I'm going to return to "The Grapes of Wrath." Yes, it is depressing me, but I think that's okay because Steinbeck is such an incredible writer. Is it okay to be depressed by genius?


Blogger Michael T Kotlarski said...

depressed about a book on the great depression? it only makes too much sense. and i agree, stienbeck is a great guy. and a writer :)

7:03 PM  

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