Friday, June 16, 2006

Yada, yada, yada...


It's summer again. Invariably my summers consist of an office job where I have little or nothing to do other than clean the office kitchenet. I already cleaned the kitchenet. So now I'm blogging. It has been 2 months and a week since I last composed an entry, and I wish I could use this next paragraph to say I'm sorry for my gross neglect to my scanty readership, but that would be lying. I'm not really sorry. The last month of school was tough, and then summer kicked in, and after spending almost every waking moment in front of a computer, I wasn't all that thrilled to do it again. (By the way, my research paper on the impact the factory girl had on the 1920's flapper was a bang-up success.... that's what stole my time from blogging. It's also what boosted me a letter grade, so I'm not going to say I'm sorry for neglecting my on-line rambles.)

But hey- now it's summer! And here I am sitting by a phone that won't ring. Of course it won't ring because I'm here. As of right now my job description consists of answering the phone and sorting mail. The mail sorting took 15 minutes. The phone hasn't rung once today. But, hey, if Purdue wants to pay me 50 dollars a day to sit and read/write. I'm not going to complain. I have no qualms about blogging on company time. The ladies told me to bring a book, or find something to do.

Speaking of books I'm going through at least 3 a week. Sometimes four. This week I've done one a day. Yes, I work 40+ hours a week, but I'm addicted to reading and so I stay up to all hours of the night to finish my daily quota. That would explain my lethargy and circles under my eyes. Maybe I should get help for my addiction...

All well. I'm going to pull out another one. This one's by Booth Tarkington. He's sometimes morbid, but I hope this one won't be. It makes it so hard to be happy when you're reading a morbid book...


Blogger Keturah said...

Yay!!! You're back! I'm so excited. :) I would say I've checked every day since April 10, but it wouldn't be true. Every week, probably.

8:08 PM  

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