Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Opinion Time

"I think Hilary should run for president. Can you imagine a woman in charge? I think a change is what this world needs." -Janadean M., London, England (Maybe Ms. Janadean should look and see what liberalism has done to her own country...they do pay 60% of their income to their government.)

If Hilary ran as a Republican, she might have a good chance, but running as a Democrat it would only embarass her party and this country." -Jeffrey B. (Hmmmm, does ANY party want the [in]famous Mrs. Clinton?)

"Hillary should stay home and 'bake cookies'.... she has done nothing for New York state... especially upstate. One Clinton in the White House is enough!"-Mary C., Remsen, NY (Maybe if she can't help a state she can't help a country...)

Should Hilary Clinton run for president in the 2008 election? Would you vote for her?

(This is a dinner topic at the Spencer and Blake homes.... welcome to my world of Fox News and politics!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, Molly thinks that Hillary Clinton is a bit of a confusing woman, I don't know much about her, but I'm not really impressed. To say that she needs to bake cookies is a bit of a blow, because she is a very intellegent and powerful woman.
Just because she's not my choice pick to BE prez doesn't mean that I wouldn't vote for her. I need to research her a bit more. If she was up against someone more...reliable I'd vote for them. But the world could benefit from a woman president, I think in any case... but I wouldn't vote for her just because she has ovaries. Just like I didn't vote for Bush because Kerry is handsome.

10:34 PM  

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