Thursday, June 16, 2005

Stolen Fun

Okay, I LOVE these things. Sorry I stole it Mols! (and Sean) But it was so much fun to read that I wanted to do it myself.

Name: Courtney Elizabeth Blake
Birth date: 7/17/85
Birth place: Peoria, IL
Current Location: Bedford, IN
Hair Color: I don't really know any more... I think I'm going to go blonde (then I'll have an excuse for the ditziness) but currently I'm a redhead.
Righty or Lefty: Righty

Your heritage: English, German, Scottish (all fair skinned, fair haired- voila! Me- a freckled albino. :) )
Shoes you wore today: High-heeled, black and strappy. Yee-haw!
Your weakness: a good chick-flick (sobby but happy ending) with chocolate and my bestest buds (except those who make fun of chick-flicks..... you know who you are *ahrem- Bankes!*)
Your fears: my family dieing, deep cloudy water, sharks
Your perfect pizza: everything but ham, pineapple and anchovies.
Goal you'd like to achieve: become 1st Lady of the U.S.A.

Your most overused phrase on AIM/MSN: " . . . . "
Your thoughts first waking up: "I think I can get ready in 5 minutes- I don't need to run this morning." And then I hit the snooze.
Your best physical feature: ha. People like me don't talk about the way we look. It makes us feel bad.
Your bedtime: 9:30- kid you not. I am living with the grandparents- and I have to be at work by 8:00....
Your most missed memory: No clue.

Pepsi or Coke: DIET Coke all the way!!!! (Diet Pepsi is gross and the regular- ugh!)
McDonald's or Burger King: Wendi's. They have nice salads... or Chik-fil-A.
Single or group dates: I don't know... never really experienced either.
Adidas or Nike: Brooks. They are good for over-pronators like meself.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Anything as long as it is generously sweetened with Splenda.
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate- unless it's cake- then I'll pass. Unless it's chocolate cheesecake.
Cappuccino or coffee: (chocolate) Cappucino

Smoke: nope
Cuss: Several times. Once when I was almost hit by a semi (he was very rude) and once in the middle of an oral biology presentation.... I still got an A.
Single: What else is there?
Take a shower: Love bubble baths.
Have a crush: Several
Think you've been in love: Hasn't everyone?
Liked high school: Heck, no. (Well, combined there was maybe a year that was fun and that I liked. No one likes to be "different" at that age.... Now I simply don't care. :) )
Want to get married: Someday, maybe.
Believe in yourself: What's that supposed to mean? Yeah, I can do anything if I dredge up enough gumption.
Get motion sickness: Only in airplanes. I think it may be due more to the closed area than motion. I hate that. But I love flying.
Think you're attractive: I only think that occasionally. When there's no one else around to compare to. All alone I look pretty cute- put in the other people- I'm not so hot....
Think you're a health freak: I read fitness magazines for fun, and took a health course elective, I love reading food labels, but I still eat M&Ms off of the floor, and indulge in cheesecake and ice cream. Maybe I'm a wannabe health freak....
Get along with your parents: LOVE THEM TO DEATH!!!! They are some of my best friends! :)
Like thunderstorms: The bigger and bangier the better. I like them best at dusk or night time.

Drank alcohol: nope, not legal. But I'm going to have a Margarita when I reach the big 21. Anyone want to be my sober driver?
Gone on a date: Nope- I actually never have.
Gone to the mall: All the time
Been on stage: I wish. Does radio count?
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: I almost did a whole one of the double stuffed during school.... but not recently.
Eaten sushi: I gag- so, no.
Been dumped: Never been picked up- so I've never been dumped.
Gone skating: I love that!!!! But no.
Gone skinny dipping: Nope.
Stolen anything: Just this quiz

Played a game that required removal of clothing: Never, and I never will.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Nope, I don't like headaches
Been caught "doing something": Once again- there are no guys..... So, NO!!!!
Been called a tease: Yes. But I think she was jealous.... If I was flirting- I was doing it very well with about 3 guys at once. I think it's an art.... :)
Gotten beaten up: I have two brothers who are wrestlers.... but I've never been severely injured, no.

Age you hope to be married: 28, maybe. Not before the undergrad is done, and maybe not before the Ph.D. is completed.
Number of Children: 8 boys. That's the dream, but in reality I just want LOTS!!! (No less than 5.)
How do you want to die: In my sleep, or surrounded by those I love. I might like being a martyr. I don't want to be in a nursing home.
What do you want to be when you grow up: A doctor, writer, politician, actress, mother, wife. Think I'll live long enough?

Best eye color?: Blue
Best hair color?: Dark. Curly is nice.
Short or long hair: Short- very clean cut- almost military.
Height: 6 feet or over.
Best first date location: Drive in movie with a dance floor (see "The Wedding Planner") or a picnic in a park with a playground.
Best first kiss location: At the altar. And then I'm going to want him to kiss me all through the reception. I'll have waited long enough!

Number of people I could trust with my life: 23- all family members. Maybe 2 outside my family.
Number of CD's I own: Not very many... maybe 10/15?
Number of piercings: 4. I've been trying to up it to 6- but Dad didn't go for the glittery nose piercing- so I may just have to stick to the little hoop I want in my upper ear cartilage. :)
Number of tattoos: None- and never.
Number of times my name has appeared in the Newspaper? maybe 3 or is it 4.... maybe more. I don't remember.
Number of scars on my body: One. On my knee. From a slip-n-slide. It was brutal.

Thanks! That was fun! :)


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