Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Desires, Wants, and Needs

I, like most people (I hope) have certain days when all I want are a few simple pleasures. Today is such a day. I'm feeling slightly sickish (don't worry, not contagious) and I'm more than ready for the semester to end. I'm just letting my wants become needs...

I need a sappy chick-flick.

I need girl time.

I need a pedicure.

I need a massage.

I need a cuddle session. (After first acquiring an entirely perfect, flawless boyfriend.)

I need an all-natural spa time.

I need a large leather couch.

I need my favorite books around me.

I need a fire in a fireplace.

I need $1,000 dollars to go shopping.

I need to just graduate.

I need a pet tiger cub.

I need someone else to do my car maintenance. (Insert perfect boyfriend from above.)

I need to be perfect.

I need a hair cut.

I need highlights.

I need to find my big sunglasses.

I need to be healthy.

I need to feel loved.

I need to cook.

I need to sleep.

I just need....

**wow... I really AM needy...**


Blogger Lemdog said...

ah yup, i think you pretty much covered every possible aspect from every possible angle in every possible way lol. I'm grateful to be a guy =)

well, you def gave me the WOW effect for my first visit.


2:08 AM  

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