Wednesday, November 30, 2005


What makes you- YOU?

What causes you to stand out from the crowd? What's your claim to fame? What do people remember about you?

Just wondering....

What will they remember about me?

Saturday, November 19, 2005


Your twin is Emma Rossum. You are beautiful and
sing very good, You hit the high notes most of
the time.

QUiZ: Who is your twin celebrity y??{ w/ great pics !!} GiRlS OnLiI
brought to you by

Monday, November 14, 2005

College- what it really is

Do you ever have those days when it feels like you're doing everything wrong, and then you don't really want to change? Or am I just weird?

I just want to go to bed and not think. Not have to do anything when I wake up.

I think I'm probably not handling several scenarios well. I know I don't have a humble attitude. I hate making people unhappy. I don't like seeing my own pride. There was no good entre at the dining hall tonight. I forgot about an anatomy quiz until 30 minutes before it was due. I have a test on Wednesday that I'm completely clueless about. My room is either hot or cold, not perfect. I think I'm about to be confronted about my Sunday School teaching techniques which are, I admit, rather unorthodox, but I like them. The water here tastes funny. Someone doesn't call me and another someone does. I'm a stupid girl. I want stupid things. I don't want to study. I need to study. I hate disappointing people. I need to do laundry, but I don't have any cash. I don't know all the vocab for tomorrow's test. I haven't read my English book. I need to work on some extra credit, but I don't have time. I want a latte- with soy milk.

I have figured out what college is really about. It's not about intelligence, the right major, or creating a great resume.

College is just a test to see which people can go the longest without sleep, and live their life as little impacted by others as possible. That is college. Poverty, sleeplessness, self-centeredness, stupidity, and laundry.

Lattes also pay a crucial role....

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Inevitably Courtney

All the things I make fun of people for, I say "that will never happen to me.", or "I'll never do that." Well.... they happen. I think it's the way God designed me.

My life:

1) On the day you look the worst, you will see (and talk to) the guy you like the best.

2) You say you'll never go to that university because you mother, father, uncles, aunts, and grandparents all went there. You go.

3) The week with the biggest test that you know you can pass with flying colors- you get sick. Knock-out, drop down, drag out sick. So sick you question if you have a brain any more. You've ceased to think.

4) You never have health problems. Never. Ever. And you never, ever will..... then you're referred to a specialist by your doctor because he can't figure out what's wrong with you.

5) You study hours for every anatomy test. You get barely A's. The third test you study, but more as a requirment than actually hoping for success. You score the highest you have ever scored.

6) You shake your head at the boy who comes into class late every Tuesday and Thursday in English. Today you arrive after him.

7) Ice cream was your favorite dessert. Now it makes you sick.

8) You want something. Beg for something. Pray for something. And then, when you get it, you realize that you're not really supposed to have it, and it's very bad for you. You pray for it to go away.

9) You dress for cold. It's warm.

10) You have always liked football best.... basketball was rather pointless. Now you like basketball, almost more than football.

11) You always liked geeky nerds. Now you think tall black men are attractive.

12) You'll never change your major. Did.

13) You'll never live in the dorms. Do.

14) Soy milk is gross. You love it.

It's inevitably me. I'm a very oppinionated person, but I think (no, I KNOW) God has a sense of humor.... I want one thing. I end up liking another thing better. I say "YES!" then wish I had said "no." I will NEVER, then I nearly always. It's inevitable.

It's me. :)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


People say "live in the present."


"Enjoy today."

But isn't it rather fun to look down the road a little further? I like doing that. Admittedly, sometimes it freaks me out, and perhaps because of that I shouldn't, but I think it's rather like an addiction: I just want to imagine what life will be like.....

2 years: I'm going to be bawling my eyes out as I walk down the aisle in Elliot Hall. I'll crane my neck to see Amanda, because I'll know that if I can see her blubbering away, then I will laugh instead of cry, but she's sitting way over in the school of Education section, and I can't see her... Amidst the thousands of hands clapping, I know that my parents grandparents are joining in. My dad is crying. My siblings couldn't come because there weren't enough tickets, and my mom is worrying that there won't be enough crackers for the party afterwards. Then it's my turn to walk across the stage and get my diploma from **hopefully not** Martin Jischke. I grin and wave. Tomorrow I start on a trip around the globe (a graduation gift from my parents) and my stuff is already moved into an apartment in Tennessee that is only one block from Vanderbilt University where I'll be studying for my Ph.D.

4 years: Another graduation. I'm wearing tassels. "Dr. Courtney E. Blake, Ph.D., Aud." I'll already have business cards printed. I'm going to work in New York. My crowd of friends is a little thinner. Amanda is married and has two little girls, Laura is in Hawaii with her Navy Seal, Debi is in Peru teaching math, my brother has just graduated with a degree in bioengineering, there are others- now married, scattered around the United States.

I could keep going. Sometimes I want to. I want to imagine life when I'm forty, sixty, eighty, but that's when I start getting a little scared and overwhelmed, and that's when I realize that God knows best. If I could see everything in my future, I would doubtless be paralyzed with fear. But all He gave me was today.

That's all I can see.

But it's also all I can live.

Here's to the Great Adventure!!!!

Live vicariously!!!