Monday, February 14, 2005

Future Valentine

It's drizzly and cold outside and there are couples walking all over the place. In Stewart Center there's an organization selling roses, and all the commercials on TV have something to do with chocolates and diamonds. It's Valentine's Day.

It's strange, but in the past I've always been rather depressed on Valentine's Day. Every girl wonders if there is something wrong with her when no guys pursue, or when Valentine's Day after Valentine's Day rolls by with no change, or no Prince Charming on the horizon. But this year, 2005 I am very happy. There is no Prince Charming (and no prospect of one) but I am bubbling over with the joy of the life that God has given me.

Perhaps someday in the future I will meet the man who will sweep me off my feet, perhaps I already know him, but regardless- I know one very important thing. I can't do anything about the future, and I can't change my past, but I have the present- and however cliche that may sound, I know it's true. So I am striving to use my present, not as big quest in search of "the one," but rather as a preparation for him to come. God, for some reason has given me this time alone, and it is my choice what I do with it. I can worry and plan and scheme, or I could look at my life objectively and say, "I've got a whole lot of work to do.... that guy better not come for a while..."

When Prince Charming enters my life, I want to be ready, to be the princess that he has been dreaming of, to be pure and holy, ready to help him in all areas of his life. ("It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."- Gen. 2:18) I have this time to make sure that I am ready and able to help and love whoever Christ brings into my life. So when that man comes he may be able to find the kind of woman described in 1 Peter 3- Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful. They were submissive to their own husbands, like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her master. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear.

I don't like the phrase "waiting for love" or "waiting for the right person." It implies stagnation, as though nothing in my life can happen until the guy shows up. Rather, I am working towards love, I am growing and changing and moving towards a more Christ-like self, and perhaps, on my way there, God will allow me to meet another person whose goals are the same as mine and who is headed in the same direction.

But until then, I'll keep moving closer to my God, knowing that he will provide what is best for me, as he always has. For now my theme shall be: "Do not arouse of awaken love until it so desires." (Song or Songs 8:4)

I love him, although I don't know him, and because I don't know him, I'll get ready for him.

I love you.

Your future valentine

Thursday, February 10, 2005


Did you know that I am 3 years and 1 month younger than Prince William, age 22? It could work....

And I am 39 years and 0 months younger than George W. Bush, age 58. So, could I be president in 39 years? Perhaps I better just shoot for First Lady...

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Should be Studying....

All right, I'm almost half way through a liter of Diet Coke, and I have a test at 7:30 tomorrow morning and I have no, absolutey no desire to study.

Why am I blogging? Excellent question. Because I am seeking to develop the one skill I think I have a slight gift for- procrastinating. I am getting quite good at it- that's what happens when you practice.

But here- this post is not entirely in vain. I found a game that you can play when you too want to procrastinate.

Click your mouse and the penguin will begin to fall. Click again to help the polar bear bat it at the right time. See what your batting average is. (Hint: if it is really low, you can just say that you're a friend to the penguins and don't want to hurt them.)

Toodles- happy procrastinating!!!

The Bachelorette

All right!!!! Who is the cute girl on campus? Me, me, ME!!! For those of you to whom this sounds proud, you are right, I am- but at least I know my fault and weakness. It is true stupidity to not see your triumphs and it's even more absurd and stupid to not see your faults. Ignore your faults and you will get in BIG trouble. Okay, that's another soap box for another day.

Life is splendiferous. Anyone else feel that way? I have orchestra in 18 minutes so I'm going to make this brief- here are some of the ways my life is going incredibly well:

1) I, Courtney E. Blake, have been "asked out" (funny term...) five times in the past two weeks.- Hence the title of this blog. This is novel simply because- who would ask me out? and I've never ever experienced such a surplus of desperate guys before (homeschooled, remember?)

2) Cognitive Psychology was cancelled today... no need to explain, who complains about cancelled class?

3) I get to go shopping and dress up real "purty" on Saturday- (almost) every girl likes that.

4) Tonight- James MacDonald in Elliott Hall- this guy is awesome!!! Can hardly wait to hear him speak.

5) Friday is my dear papa's birthday and I am going to a Purdue wrestling match. I've never seen one before- but they tell me that these wrestlers are a very buff bunch.

There's more, but orchestra is calling- if I wasn't such a dutiful student, I would skip- but I guess not today...

Monday, February 07, 2005

Erika the Great

Welcome to my new, and blank blog. Something in me died when the whole thing got deleted. I think that eventually I will recover and write humorous entries again, but for right now... I mourn.

Okay, enough of that. The purpose of this entry is to expound on the virtues of my dear sister and to keep our mutual admiration society alive and thriving.

Erika Aileen Blake is 11 years old, and, my dear readership, is going on 12 in March of this year. Soon she will be a teenager, then a collegite (she and I will be in college together unless the Lord works a miracle.) and before you know it- she'll get married and make me an aunt. Yup. At eleven she is very nearly standing at the threshold of her pupose in life- to make me an aunt. (Just kidding sister dear. Wait a little longer...)

Erika is everything I am not. She is cute, musically talented, a go-getter, and she also happens to play a bang-up game of soccer. She also started this whole blog thing way ahead of me. You should check it out. My blog is called Pieces and her's (get this!) is called Little Bits and Pieces. Cute or what? Yup, she truly is the gem of gems in the sister world. Poor rest of the world with no Erika for a sister. I cry for you.

Take a look: Let it suffice to say that she wrote a wonderful entry on February 4th.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Yup, somehow my whole blog was deleted. I'm not sure how, not sure why- (and if this didn't rhyme I'd say that I want to cry.) As it is- I'm not happy right now. I'm a combination spitting mad and weepy sad. (argh- rhyming!) So- welcome to my new, empty blog.