Hi. I'm twenty. (Well... I will be on the 17th, but I won't have a computer then.)
I have lived two decades. Twenty fabulous years. Twenty years ago I couldn't walk, talk, or reason. I've got the walking, and definitely the talking down, but give me another 20 years on the reasoning...
God is so full of love and blessing towards me that I can hardly believe it. Each year has been better than the last, and there are very few people who can claim that. The blessings He has lavished have been completely un-merited (just ask my parents!) but He continues to pour them on. To whom much has been given much will be required. (I Cor. 4:2) At this rate I'll be a martyr in Somalia by age 30. :) Bring it on!!!
This past year has, true to schedule, been better than any other.
I have started college in a profession that I am passionate about.
I worked last summer and this summer at incredible jobs- one with the Worrell boys, and then here at the WBIW/WQRK/WQRJ radio stations.
I learned to drive a stick.
I've been asked out five times in one week and hit on by a body builder. Before this year, I had only been asked out once.
I visited Peru, South America, and I now want to be involved in missions in some capacity for the rest of my life.
I went to my first late night movie.
I lived on my own.
I've become involved in PBF, and met a wide variety of people there and all across campus.
I played in the Indianapolis Circle Theatre with the former "Phantom" in "The Phantom of the Opera."
I learned how to use the bus system.
I stopped blushing and started mentioning Christ in my classes.
I've telemarketed.
I'm getting two little sisters from China.
This year has been awesome.
Life is incredible and I can hardly wait for the next year. I know that sounds corny, but it's honest.
I'm going to eat sushi.
Ride a motorcycle
Learn to shoot a gun.
Get straight A's.
Adopt a little sister, "Mia."
Go on my first date.
Join the "Gene Pool" and finally understand basketball.
Go on a road trip.
Be a counselor at the Wilds.
Write (finish) my first song.
Take track two at the counseling conference.
Go to my first formal.
Be a bride's maid at one of my best friend's wedding.
Lose my voice at a football game.
Know the name of every girl on my floor.
Lead a Bible study.
Read the list of books I've always wanted to.
Memorize all of I John and James.
Bungee jump.
Hang glide.
Rock climb.
Learn how to speak Arabic, make strawberry-rhubarb pie, and crochet hats.
Visit Australia.
Isn't life incredible?!?! Bring it on world! I'm ready to conquer whatever you throw at me!!! God has so lavished his love, I can hardly contain my amazement and joy. I can only pray that this next year, if it brings none of the items on my list, that it fulfills my ultimate goal:
Teach me your ways, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name ~ Psalm 86:11 ~
WHOO-HOO!!!! I'M 20!!!!!!!